Whether in the process of starting a disability ministry or looking for a new curriculum to use in your already established ministry, the search for curriculum can be daunting. What curriculum is best? How easy is it to integrate into my class? Is it meant for adults or kids? Does it have any activities included? Can I modify the curriculum if we need to for my class?
One common theme brought to our attention when teaching an adult disability ministry class is the desire to have material for adults. Too often, adult disability ministries are forced to use curriculum meant for children. Simply being affected by a disability does not mean an adult should be spoken to like a child. Our adult curriculum is created with an adult audience in mind.
We have categorized our adult curriculum into “traditional” and “video-driven”. All of our curriculum is a digital download and designed in such a way as to allow you the freedom to adjust it on the fly. Perhaps your class needs to take two or three weeks on a specific lesson. Maybe you want to include some additional activities or Bible verses as they can relate specifically to something your class is experiencing. The digital files give you this ability.
When you see us refer to our traditional curriculum, the short version is that these series do not include a video lesson for each week. We have prepared a themed series which is usually 4-5 weeks in length, all depending on the topic. You will find an optional video to play which will help teach your group the series memory verse in ASL.
The video-driven curriculum contains everything you would normally receive in our traditional curriculum, except you get the bonus of a video for each week’s lesson. These videos are perfect for helping start a discussion. They have also proven to be beneficial for those new to leading a class.
To give you more insight into what each type of curriculum would look like, we have several freely available disability ministry curriculum series available.
We encourage you to download them all and try them in your class.