Resources to help you reach your local disability community for Christ.
Our passion is to connect people to churches and ultimately to Jesus. We're continually working to provide helpful resources for starting and growing your disability ministry! Take a look at the various sections below, and as always, feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or if you are wanting something specific for your ministry.

Start A Disability Ministry
If you're ready to see your church start reaching the 25% of the population with a disability, then start here! We're here to support you with resources and consultation for the journey.
Start Here
Disability Ministry Curriculum
Download video and written lessons designed for people with disabilities.
Get Curriculum
Ministry Locator
Find churches and ministries who embrace people with disabilities and their families.
Find Churches
Training Videos
Get equipped with free video training and education for disability ministry.
Get Free Training

Recommended Reading
Discover hand-picked books about disability ministry and living with disabilities.
See Recommendations

Free Stock Photos
Help overturn the negative narrative about disability! How? Create a free account and upload your favorite photos highlighting disability. Or use the high quality stock images in your online posts. Share Disability is Beautiful with the world!
Get Free Photos

One Page Forms & Guides
Download some of our best resources as free single-page documents that make info easy to implement into your ministry.
Download Guides
Recommended Reading
We've gathered some of our favorite books on the topic of disability in the church. Add any of these to your reading list today!
Browse Books
Shrinking Toilets
We're on a mission to change how people view the bathrooms in their church. Is it really just about "potty talk," or is there something more we're missing?
Learn About Shrinking Toilets