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Learn to See the Ability

September Free Wallpaper Download “Learn to see the ability, not just the disability.”  This concept seems so simple yet it is easily one of the most difficult for some to grasp.  Our heart is inclusion and one of the easiest pathways to that goal is to see people for people and not a diagnosis. To […]
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Roadblocks to Starting Disability Ministry

I live in North Canton, OH. My hometown is best known for being the home of the NFL Hall of Fame. Each summer the new NFL season starts in Canton, OH with the Hall of Fame weekend. Thursday Night Football gets everything kicked off and the weekend-long celebration wraps up with the Concert for Legends […]
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Next Steps: Continuing Your Disability Ministry

We came to your prom and we loved it! We loved it so much that we decided to give going to church a second chance. We came to your church the next Sunday, but we were surprised that there was nothing for us. We were not welcomed. While we love the prom, we need more […]
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Don’t Dis My Ability – Free Wallpaper

We just recently announced that we would be releasing a limited run of these “Don’t Dis My Ability” shirts.  But just in case that wasn’t enough, we thought it might be cool to also offer them as a free wallpaper download for your phone, tablet, or desktop. To download your free wallpaper, just select the […]
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First Steps: Starting Your Disability Outreach

Statistics tell us that somewhere around 90% of churches have no intentional outreach to their disability communities. That means that only 10% of churches in America have some formal disability ministry programming. Within this 10% of churches, it may be that the church has a Jesus Prom, or a Buddy System, or an Adult Class, […]
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Your Child Has The Ability to Live a Purposeful and Impactful Life

When he was only four years old, ENABLE Special Needs Planning Founder and President, Phillip Clark’s life was forever changed by the birth of his younger sister, Sarah, who has Down syndrome. Despite not being congratulated by the doctors and receiving a long list of limitations for Sarah’s life, Phillip’s family committed to fulfilling their […]
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Free Indeed – Wallpaper

This was our July 4th themed wallpaper which everyone seemed to love, so we wanted to make it available on all devices! To get your free wallpaper, download for your phone, tablet, or desktop below: Our artwork may not be used for creation of goods/products, advertising, or promotion without prior written permission.
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Curriculum Isn’t a Dirty Word

a group of people looking at a screen
A growing debate in church leadership circles is the usage of profanity in the pulpit. People debate whether it is ever appropriate to use what some consider dirty words in preaching. While some debate it others just go ahead and do it. The purpose of profanity in preaching is the topic for another blog, another […]
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Disability Ministry and Your Church Website

First, for those of you reading this who have started your disability ministry, we applaud you.  You might not realize this but out of the estimated 380,000 churches, your desire to minister to those affected by disability places you in just 10% of churches who are doing the same.  Knowing that somewhere around 350,000 churches […]
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Fearfully Made – Free Wallpaper

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14 NIV I would argue that this is one of the cornerstone verses for our ministry.  Everyone was created on purpose for a purpose.  We are all different and we are all wonderfully made and this image […]
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Because Jesus' table is accessible for everyone...

We desire to see the Church make room for all people affected by disability. To fully participate. To fully partner. To fully lead.

We exist to equip and empower the 25% of the population with a disability, their families, and their churches to become who God has created them to be.
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