First, for those of you reading this who have started your disability ministry, we applaud you. You might not realize this but out of the estimated 380,000 churches, your desire to minister to those affected by disability places you in just 10% of churches who are doing the same. Knowing that somewhere around 350,000 churches […]
Thank you for answering the call from God to reach out to your disability community. Every Disability Ministry is unique based upon the make up of the church and the community. To help you with some common first steps we’ve put together a collection of resources for you to help you get started. Step One […]
Many churches over the years have held special Sundays highlighting different ministry areas or community opportunities. Probably the most well known special Sunday is when churches allow their youth ministry to take over. Every element of the service is planned and conducted by the youth of the church. These are great Sundays! They both highlight […]
It was with great pleasure to celebrate Christy Ruth Morris’ life on Thursday, May 17th. Christy was a sweet and wonderful person, who also made it clear when she was not happy about something. Abiding by the wishes of the family to have a private service, the time with her family, close friends and residents […]
Seventeen years ago, when my son Ryan was born with Down syndrome, it came as a complete surprise. We knew we were having a boy and I had been dreaming of his future for the last 9 months. Maybe he would be a star soccer player for his high school, tall and handsome, with so […]
Back in April, I noticed that a bird thought highly enough of the decorative wreath on our front door and decided it would be the perfect place for a nest. A few days later, I found three small blue eggs centered neatly in the nest. We were careful not to disturb it and used the […]
The R-Word can only be eliminated when another R-Word takes its place. I will get to that word in just a moment. There has been a gradual evolution in the usage of the word R-Word, “retard” or “retarded.” All the way back in the 1400s the R-Word was used to talk about the blockage of, […]
If this title of this article grabbed your attention, made you scratch your head, or even gave you a feeling that wasn’t so great it did the trick. No, I’m not trying to trick you into reading this article, but rather trying to help you see the BIG “C” Church in a light that maybe […]
Spring is finally here and the rebirth of everything is absolutely beautiful. We have gone through some changes since last year like changing our name and adding an evangelistic focus to our ministry. What we have seen is many more people reaching out to the disability community and those affected by disability being touched in […]
Have you ever heard the expression, “That is not a hill worth dying on!” People use this phrase when talking about what is, or is not, truly important. I heard it many times in my 15-year career in the local church ministry. There are other things that determine what hills we seem to be positioned […]
Because Jesus' table is accessible for everyone...
We desire to see the Church make room for all people affected by disability. To fully participate. To fully partner. To fully lead.
We exist to equip and empower the 25% of the population with a disability, their families, and their churches to become who God has created them to be.