This bundle includes the following series:
This bundle contains 8 weeks of curriculum covering the following lessons:
Did You Hear That?
- Lesson 1: Treasure in the Field
- Lesson 2: Birds of the Air
- Lesson 3: Mustard Seed
- Lesson 4: The Narrow Door
Did You See That?
- Lesson 1: Water Into Wine
- Lesson 2: Through the Roof
- Lesson 3: Money From a Fish
- Lesson 4: Walking on Water
Weekly Wacky Videos featuring Oscar and Chiquita

Series Includes
- PowerPoint-driven lessons
- Weekly wacky videos with Oscar and Chiquita
- Leader’s guide
- Coloring pages and word searches
- Video teaching memory verse in ASL
- ProPresenter extras
- Social media and lesson graphics
Series Notes:
- Release date: January 2024
- PowerPoint Driven
- This is an entirely digital product.
If you enjoyed the Big Ten Series, this series is another one your group will love!