Over the past several weeks, our class has been learning from The Gospel in Colors series.
Entirely unplanned and absolutely awesome, one of our students came in and had some items he wanted to present show-and-tell style. All the items matched up with the color we would be talking about that morning. But they didn’t stop there. They also started to wear clothing with the same color, too. On the final week, nearly half the class was decked out in blue!
Any teacher wants their students to not just retain the information they are learning in class, but to carry it with them in their daily life. I would pray this is more the case with our disability ministries. It is one thing to talk about how green in this series represents growth in Christ, but it is even better when these beliefs make their way out of the church walls and permeate our daily life. Knowing that our class not only listens but thinks ahead as to what is coming next was such a special moment for our class.
If you have considered using The Gospel in Colors series, this is a fun activity you can implement. Here are a few ideas you can use to extend the fun and engagement of this series:
Don’t forget that this series ends with blue for baptism. Be prepared for discussions and questions surrounding baptism. We have resources available for that!