Every time I look at that pen I just assumed it was broken and something was wrong with it. This statement about our Ability Ministry pens is one that we hear more times than not. While this is indeed not anything that we could have planned, it just goes to prove what an awesome God […]
Just recently, the Ability Ministry Board of Directors met. Before the meeting, the Board had some time to relax and spend with the residents of our Riverwood location, having fun and worshiping. With any new group that comes to volunteer or visit, Rhonna, our Director of Services, will usually come up with a fun activity […]
Ryan shares a powerful story about what a church can communicate to visitors. Take a moment to watch this and think about your own church or facility. What is it saying? We Can Help! We are here to help you with these messages and we want to help! We offer a variety of resources, including […]
In February of 2009, I was meeting with my assistant and a parent about potential jobs for our students here at the Church of the Resurrection. This would help parents have some free time and would also help the students develop job skills. After determining that many of them would require skills that our students […]
What people may see when they look at a child with a disability may be fact-based, but if they looked using God’s eyes, they would see much more than the diagnosis or special need. When the Lord sent Samuel to find the next king he said to Samuel (1 Samuel 16:7): Do not consider his […]
Do you know what the third greatest commandment is? I know you are scratching your head saying there is no third greatest commandment, is there? Well if there were three greatest commandments I’m certain the third would be… “Be flexible.” In fact, when I would sit in interviews either hiring people to work at our […]
October Free Wallpaper Download Give God your weakness and He will give you His strength. I have been attending “Man Challenge” at my church recently and this message was one of those that I not only needed to hear but one that somewhat collapsed me when I heard it. Not to repeat the entire message, […]
Let me start this blog by saying I am a pretty gross human being. Let me clarify. When it gets hot outside, I sweat buckets. When I exercise, I sweat buckets. Combine the two and it is a sight to behold. After my three-mile runs, I often look for my ten-year-old daughter and try to […]
Welcome to part one of three on a series about what I’ve learned from being a newbie at running and how it relates to disability ministry. I mentioned in my last blog that I had already had one knee operation. My right knee had always been a problem for me all the way back to […]
Welcome to part one of three on a series about what I’ve learned from being a newbie at running and how it relates to disability ministry. I remember growing up when my parents turned forty. We had the classic “over the hill” parties for them. Everyone had a good time poking fun at the fact […]
Because Jesus' table is accessible for everyone...
We desire to see the Church make room for all people affected by disability. To fully participate. To fully partner. To fully lead.
We exist to equip and empower the 25% of the population with a disability, their families, and their churches to become who God has created them to be.