A Pathway to Inclusion & Steps Toward Equality Online Virtual Experience Dutton Farm, a nonprofit dedicated to seeing all people with disabilities treated with equality, announces its first-ever Celebration of Progress presented by Trion Solutions. Held on October 22 at 6:30pm and again on October 23 at 10:30am, Celebration of Progress: A Pathway to Inclusion […]
Our IndispensABLE Disability Ministry Leader Online Gathering from August 27, 2020, featuring discussions about residential ministry with Director of Services Rhonna S. McBride. Did you miss a previous online gathering? View the entire video archive here.
People need people. We were not meant to live in isolation. The global pandemic that has caused citywide lockdowns and shutdowns of churches across our country has deepened the already existing problem of isolation. While many churches have ceased to meet in-person inside their buildings for months their people have suffered. One way to ease […]
“The church must change!” That statement is wrong. The church has changed. The questions are: How much? Are church leaders willing to not only acknowledge but embrace that change, let go of church “as they knew it”, and rechart a new course? How much has the church changed? Let me address the first question in […]
“Leadership Buy-In” with Mary Tatum and Garett Wall from Southeast Christian Church. 4 “Ps” of Leadership Buy-In Purpose Preparation Proximity Prayerful Patience Other links referenced in this gathering: What does the Bible really say about disability? Census Quick Facts Indispensable Church Survey Gifts Assessment
4 Areas To Continue Tech Usage Post Lockdown The easiest thing for ministry leaders to do post lockdown is to go back to business as usual. What is business as usual? It means breathing a sigh of relief and being thankful that this season has passed It is a return to the old way of […]
Living with a disability can present a number of unique challenges. But as Christians, we have the wonderful possibility of facing them with the aid of the Holy Spirit. One major problem that a disabled person faces is self-image. I have epilepsy and get petit mal seizures five or six times per month. It’s not […]
Should we be concerned about “all people” as Christians? Absolutely! Doesn’t Jesus say that he died for “all people”? You bet he did! “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 Didn’t Jesus instruct his followers to make disciples […]
Because Jesus' table is accessible for everyone...
We desire to see the Church make room for all people affected by disability. To fully participate. To fully partner. To fully lead.
We exist to equip and empower the 25% of the population with a disability, their families, and their churches to become who God has created them to be.