It is vitally important for men to step up and play a role in disability ministry. In this episode, Ryan and Jason talk through why we need men to participate, ways to get them more engaged in ministry, and how leadership can support these efforts. Mentioned in this episode: Related Articles & Statistics
It can be overwhelming to decide where to begin with disability ministry curriculum. What series do I start with? Should I plan it out for an entire year or is there a better way? What happens during holidays? We discuss our recommendations on how to get started and longer-term planning for your curriculum. Listen to […]
Why Our Vans Are Mission Critical: We put thousands of miles on our vans every year to provide transportation for our residents. Ability Ministry advocates for the disability community and spreads the news that God has given everyone abilities. Working provides our residents with a sense of responsibility, opportunity, builds self-esteem and allows our residents […]
Grace Dudley with Beyond Ministry in Winchester, VA recently put together an excellent training resource. Here are her thoughts on the material: “This training is catered toward people who want to be a peer/buddy or teacher within the classroom. I will be leading the training, and it will be predominately in-person, lecture-style. There are a […]
Does God really love everyone? That’s the simple question this short, heartwarming tale asks as it introduces the beauty of diversity. Gary’s book has been in development for many years and was recently published. We chat with Gary about what inspired him to write the book, why it is important, and how churches can use […]
Recently, Ryan Wolfe was interviewed by our friends at Benevolence United with regard to baptism and the disability community. These questions are not unique to this church and we felt it would be beneficial to share the questions and answers with everyone. How do we know that someone who does not have words is ready […]
The team at Overcomer Ministries put together a fantastic 8-video series that covers some fantastic sensory tools and tips that will benefit any disability ministry. Sensory Tools: Get Started Sensory Tools: Fidgets Sensory Tools: Wiggle Seats Sensory Tools: Headphones Sensory Tools: Kick Bands Sensory Tools: Weighted Items Sensory Tools: Visual Timers Sensory Tools: Self-Control Strategies […]
One of our most popular episodes to date has been equipping volunteers for disability ministry. In this episode, we take that a step further and dive into some specific scenarios that volunteers will surely encounter while providing what resources can assist. Resources Mentioned in this Episode Listen to previous episodes.
We love nothing more than spending time with our faithful supporting churches. Ability Ministry President, Ryan Wolfe, did just that last weekend with Second Church of Christ in Danville, IL. It was a busy and fruitful day. Ryan gave mission updates in five different services, ran three training sessions after church, and spent time with […]
We all understand how important mission teams can be. In this episode, Gary Spangler and Jason Morrison talk specifics about the critical role that mission teams play at Riverwood Christian Community and what we hope those who come serve can take back with them to their own communities. Resources Mentioned
Because Jesus' table is accessible for everyone...
We desire to see the Church make room for all people affected by disability. To fully participate. To fully partner. To fully lead.
We exist to equip and empower the 25% of the population with a disability, their families, and their churches to become who God has created them to be.