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The Gospel In 3 Words

The Gospel In 3 Words



Have you ever heard the “Gospel” and wondered, what is it all about? Simply put, the Gospel is the good news about Jesus. It is a simple yet powerful message. It is a message that has the power to change our lives. A message that can save us from the mess that we often find ourselves in. A message that can give our lives purpose. That is why we have created this series titled, The Gospel In 3 Words. Why 3 words? Because it shouldn’t take a lot of words to communicate the simple Gospel message. Each lesson will focus on just 3 words that come directly from God in the pages of the Bible. These 3 words will be taught using various methods for maximum retention and impact. Everyone who studies The Gospel in 3 Words will be forever transformed by the good news of Jesus.

  • Lesson 1: Amazing And Wonderful
  • Lesson 2: All Have Sinned
  • Lesson 3: God So Loved
  • Lesson 4: I Have Won
  • Lesson 5: Repent, Be Baptized
  • Lesson 6: Go And Make


Series Includes

Leader’s guide, weekly video lessons, weekly PowerPoint files to accompany the lesson, memory verse ASL instructional video, coloring pages, word searches, extra graphics for social media and ProPresenter, and Ability Ministry free extras.


This is an entirely digital product. All videos contain closed captioning.

Because Jesus' table is accessible for everyone...

We desire to see the Church make room for all people affected by disability. To fully participate. To fully partner. To fully lead.

We exist to equip and empower the 25% of the population with a disability, their families, and their churches to become who God has created them to be.
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