Do you remember “not less than” from your days in school studying mathematics? If you need a refresher the symbol is above. It would be used in equations to declare that one number was not less than another. You are probably more familiar with the mathematical equations’ “less than” symbol. For example, A < B (A is “less than” B).
Outside of mathematics, many different “less than” equations have played out between people groups throughout history. This should never be but unfortunately has always been a reality. One people group declares that another is “less than” human and cruelty is justified.
“During the Holocaust, Nazis referred to Jews as rats. Hutus involved in the Rwanda genocide called Tutsis cockroaches. Slave owners throughout history considered slaves subhuman animals.”
It is my belief, that the “less than” equation still exists between people with disabilities and those without. Whether consciously or subconsciously people with disabilities are still seen and treated as “less than” human.
Does this sound harsh? Am I overstating things? Sadly, no.
Put yourself in the shoes of people with disabilities for a moment. Consider the following real scenarios and tell me if I am being too harsh or overstating.
People with disabilities want to believe that they are “not less than” but if that is true…
Ouch. My heart aches.
Have you ever been made to feel less than because of your disability? If so, I want to apologize because this world can be cruel at times. I’m sorry that you have been made feel that way. You are NOT LESS THAN! Let me say that again, you are NOT LESS THAN!
What exactly are you if you are not less than?
You are wonderful. You are one in eight billion. There is no one like you. You are not a mistake. You are made in the image of God. You are powerful. You are worthy. You are loved. You belong. You matter. You are so important that God sent His one and only Son, Jesus, to die for you!
It is time to stop listening to the lies of this world. It is time to stand up and shout out the truth so the whole world can hear you. It is time to declare the fact you are NOT LESS THAN!
I stand with you and declare to the world that you are NOT LESS THAN!
Ryan Wolfe
Do you want to make the declaration that you are “not less than” today? Join us by posting online. Here is what you can do.