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Resolutions for the Church
Resolutions for the Church

New Year’s Resolutions for The Church

I’ve never been one for New Year’s resolutions. I can understand the appeal though, as the promise of a new start, of new beginnings, can be empowering and freeing. As we begin a new year, consider these resolutions for a more accessible and inclusive church (one for each month of the year) In 2025, we […]

I’ve never been one for New Year’s resolutions. I can understand the appeal though, as the promise of a new start, of new beginnings, can be empowering and freeing. As we begin a new year, consider these resolutions for a more accessible and inclusive church (one for each month of the year)

In 2025, we resolve, as a church:

  • To turn our eyes to the margins and resist the urge to avert our gaze
  • To notice that which has not been noticed before 
  • To shine light in the darkness and illuminate the unseen
  • To strive not for “easy”, because the work of the Gospel is not an effortless task 
  • To sit in the uncomfortable for a bit longer than we have been willing to tolerate before 
  • To assess and reassess our priorities to ensure they align with Jesus’ priorities 
  • To try new things, without the goal of perfection or the fear of failure 
  • To change what no longer encourages and invites discipleship 
  • To speak up for what is right and just, even if in doing so we put ourselves under fire 
  • To extend grace and mercy where judgment and contempt reign 
  • To minister out of abundance rather than scarcity 
  • To affirm the imago dei of all who walk through our doors 

Blessings and courage to you and your church as you begin anew in 2025.

Originally posted January 2, 2025

About Bronwyn Murphy:

Bronwyn is committed to connecting with and supporting churches to build thriving communities for those with disabilities and special needs. Bronwyn currently serves as the Inclusion Coordinator at University Covenant Church in Davis, CA and equips churches and families impacted by disability in the Evangelical Covenant Church. She holds a special education credential with previous experience educating children and teens in public school and residential settings. She is married with 3 children and is an avid San Francisco 49ers fan. Bronwyn is available for consultation, training, and speaking.
Read more by Bronwyn Murphy

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Because Jesus' table is accessible for everyone...

We desire to see the Church make room for all people affected by disability. To fully participate. To fully partner. To fully lead.

We exist to equip and empower the 25% of the population with a disability, their families, and their churches to become who God has created them to be.
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