President Ryan Wolfe hosts the first IndispenseABLE Disability Ministry Leader Gathering via Zoom. To sign up for the next meeting, please visit
“God is calling us to move away from worshipping celebrity pastors, from practicing consumeristic Christianity, and from turning religion into a spectator sport. God is calling us to move towards compassion, action, and return to #BeTheChurch that He originally intended. If we go back to business as usual, or church, as usual, shame on us.” – Ryan Wolfe
Thank you all for attending our online meeting yesterday! We understand that screen fatigue is a very real thing which is why we appreciate you tuning in and participating even more. It was awesome to hear your ideas, see your faces, and to just be a part of what God is doing in the disability community. That being said, we promised to send out some helpful links in case you did not have the chance to jot them down. Also, if you signed up but were unable to make the meeting, or stay for the entire time, we will be uploading the meeting to our YouTube channel next week. There were a lot of fantastic ideas shared!
Tools for Connecting:
Ability Ministry Resources