Your impact, by the numbers.
Years in ministry
Because of the generous support of churches and individuals like you, we've been grateful to serve the disability community since 1981.
Articles published on disability ministry
We've written 481 free articles, training, and guides as a support and encouragement to parents and disability ministry leaders.
Residents served full-time
We proudly offer residential services and staffing for 26 adults with disabilities in Tennessee and Missouri.
Products available for churches and ministries
We provide training videos, books, and even apparel to equip and empower disability ministries in churches just like yours.
Product downloads
We've had the opportunity to serve hundreds of churches and organizations with a range of lessons, guides, and printables.
Countries reached through curriculum and consulting
1 in 4 people in the U.S. and 1 in 5 people worldwide live with a disability. No culture or community is unaffected by disability, making it a uniquely global mission field.
Where is Ability Ministry curriculum and consulting being used?
- In 43 U.S. States
- Albania
- Alberta, Canada
- Barbados
- Berlin, Germany
- British Columbia, Canada
- Burundi
- Congo
- Ethiopia
- Gauteng, South Africa
- India
- Japan
- Kampala, Uganda
- Machakos, Kenya
- Malaysia
- Manitoba, Canada
- Mauritius
- Metro Manila, Philippines
- New Brunswick Canada
- New South Wales, Australia
- New Zealand
- Norfolk, United Kingdom
- Ontario, Canada
- São Paulo, Brazil
- Singapore
- Taiwan
- Uganda
- Ukraine
- United Arab Emirates
- Victoria, Australia
To mail a donation:
To mail a donation:
PO Box 310, Louisville, TN 37777