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  • Ability Ministry (7)
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Easy To Use Online Curriculum

“Easy To Use Online Curriculum” session from the Wonderfully Made Conference 2020 as presented by Ability Ministry president Ryan Wolfe.
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Curriculum, Teaching, and Tips

“Curriculum, Teaching, and Tips” is a VIP member breakout session from the 2020 Wonderfully Made Conference as presented by Ability Ministry president Ryan Wolfe.
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IndispensABLE South Florida

Pastors and Leaders Conference for South Florida Churches October 16, 2021 This is a free digital product and includes the following: Video recording of the online gathering Ryan Wolfe’s Powerpoint presentation file Download the video recording and Powerpoint presentation for free here.
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8 Tips for New Disability Ministry Teachers

I attended a disability ministry volunteer training session at my church, Southeast Christian, recently and it was brought to my attention that we have now been in the new Shine Suite for over a year now.  This is significant for a variety of reasons, however, the one that hit home with me the most was […]
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Navigating the Land In-Between

disability ministry training series navigating the land in between
Disability ministry volunteer training from Ability Ministry President Ryan Wolfe at Southeast Christian Church.
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Fun Disability Ministry Class Activity on a Budget

Run out of ideas for a fun activity for your disability ministry class?  Need something that is fun for everyone and won’t break the bank? I was in the same boat this last week for the teen class at Southeast Christian Church.  There are many activities we can all participate in that are fun, however, […]
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Trivia Night: Getting Men Involved in Disability Ministry

When I first got started with disability ministry, it was not a grand calling.  I did not wake up in the middle of the night with a vision from God who provided a clear direction for ministry.  My introduction to truly serving the disability community was far less extravagant.  Mary Tatum, who runs the Shine […]
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Memory Verse Scramble Activity

Finding a creative and inclusive activity that brings the entire classroom together while at the same time, incorporates the weekly lesson isn’t always super easy to come up with. In our teen class at Southeast Christian Church, our group seems to really enjoy the hands-on activities.  I am always looking to find ways that we […]
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Taylor’s Testimony

“Through me just living my life the best that I can, I think then, Christ’s glory is shown and I am able to fulfill his purpose for my life.” This is Taylor’s testimony.   Thank you to the great team at First Christian Church of Canton for providing this video.
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Sometimes It’s OK to Throw Things at Church

There was a small part of me that was hesitant to even type those words. It should go without saying that the last action we want to encourage in our ministries is throwing an object. However, here is an instance where I feel we can bend the rules just a tad. In the teen special […]
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Because Jesus' table is accessible for everyone...

We desire to see the Church make room for all people affected by disability. To fully participate. To fully partner. To fully lead.

We exist to equip and empower the 25% of the population with a disability, their families, and their churches to become who God has created them to be.
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