“Jesus never commanded church leadership to do Disability Ministry.” When it comes to disabilities there are numerous myths, or false beliefs, that have been ingrained into humanity from the beginning of time. These myths stand as a barrier to meaningful inclusion if not addressed. Remember, you are in a spiritual battle. The enemy, the devil, […]
“People born with disabilities are being punished by God because of sin.” When it comes to disabilities there are numerous myths, or false beliefs, that have been ingrained into humanity from the beginning of time. These myths stand as a barrier to meaningful inclusion if not addressed. Remember, you are in a spiritual battle. The […]
“People with intellectual and developmental disabilities get a free pass to heaven.” When it comes to disabilities there are numerous myths, or false beliefs, that have been ingrained into humanity from the beginning of time. These myths stand as a barrier to meaningful inclusion if not addressed. Remember, you are in a spiritual battle. The […]
History has not been kind to people who live with disabilities. People have been ostracized, segregated, neglected, abused, aborted, and murdered as a result of disability. Why? Because we have been taught that disability is ugly, undesirable, shameful, and should be either hidden away or disposed of. What if there was something that the Church […]
Photo courtesy disabilityisbeautiful.com. As much as you need new volunteers in Disability Ministry, new volunteers need you! Never take for granted the small things that you think should be obvious to everyone in your ministry. Below are 5 simple ways to get your new volunteers engaged. Fail to do so and you will struggle with […]
In this series, your group will learn five important life lessons from the life of David. Yes, David was a mighty warrior that would become a King, but that does not mean we cannot relate to him. David struggled with common things like being overlooked, standing up to bullies, navigating difficult relationships, making big mistakes, […]
Someone told me not long ago “Christmas is like the Super Bowl of Christianity”. I thought about that claim for a moment and replied “I think the Super Bowl is probably Easter…”. Though the Christmas season is profound in its own right, Easter is the single most impactful event in the history of the world. […]
Nearly two years ago, I built a shed. A few weeks ago, I got around to painting it. The delay between building it and painting it was quite intentional. The shed is actually a large resin shed I built with a friend at church as we worked to reopen our inclusive weekday preschool in the […]
I am reminded that we are not of this world more and more each day. “But we are citizens of heaven. And we can hardly wait for a Savior from there. He is the Lord Jesus Christ.” Philippians 3:20 NIRV Today, I did a double-take when I read a headline that Facebook (META) was temporarily […]
The Lenten season is upon us. It takes only a moment to scroll through social media to find any number of announcements of people pausing their Instagram notifications for the next 40 days, abandoning Wordle until Easter morning, and throwing out all chocolate-based desserts until April 17. Changing established patterns of behavior and thought can […]
Because Jesus' table is accessible for everyone...
We desire to see the Church make room for all people affected by disability. To fully participate. To fully partner. To fully lead.
We exist to equip and empower the 25% of the population with a disability, their families, and their churches to become who God has created them to be.