After serving in full-time ministry at the same church for 15 years, I have felt an urging from God that He has a new Kingdom assignment for me. During my time at First Christian Church in Canton, Ohio, I have served in roles ranging from Children’s Pastor, to Middle School Pastor, to Family Pastor, to […]
Apocalyptic-type movies are not my favorite because they all have the same basic plot, and they create an overinflated sense of impending doom. However, I do think there is something we can learn from them. In 1998, Morgan Freeman played the role of the President in a movie titled Deep Impact. This storyline showed a […]
Ryan Wolfe wraps up the summer series through the Old Testament – Old School at First Christian Church Canton (September 4, 2016). He invites his friend Nick Doll to recap their first disability ministry mission trip to Detroit.
Whether you are in a health care or other professional environment or just having a personal conversation, consider these basic rules for communicating with a person with an intellectual disability.
You are fearfully, wonderfully, and beautifully made (Psalm 139). March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, and March 21 is World Down Syndrome Day. At First Christian Church we believe Jesus is for ALL people. We hope this video recorded by people in our Day Services program is a reminder of your value to God. Video […]
Because Jesus' table is accessible for everyone...
We desire to see the Church make room for all people affected by disability. To fully participate. To fully partner. To fully lead.
We exist to equip and empower the 25% of the population with a disability, their families, and their churches to become who God has created them to be.