Did you know that the #1 consultation request we get is… “Help getting started”? If you are wondering where to start too, why not start your ministry using the same strategy that Jesus used when starting his ministry? Jesus used a specific strategy to start and spread his influence and ministry. He used a 2×2 […]
God used the 2×2 strategy over ten years ago to kick start the disability ministry at First Christian Church in Canton, Ohio. The Beginning I will never forget the phone call I received from my friend, Tom, all these years ago. At the time I was the Family Pastor at First Christian a megachurch. In […]
I think there are two very specific reasons by Jesus sent his followers out 2×2. The first reason is influence. Another word that you could use for influence here is power. Two are far more effective than one. A lone ranger can only accomplish so much on his or her own. Two people together can […]
Did you know that the #1 consultation request we get is… “Help getting started”? If you are wondering where to start too, why not start your ministry using the same strategy that Jesus used when starting his ministry? Jesus used a specific strategy to start and spread his influence and ministry. He used a 2×2 […]
One of my three greatest fears when we received A’s diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), was that there would be no one to love him outside of our family. And unfortunately, this fear is not unfounded. I searched the promises of God that I could cling to in the midst of it all. I […]
When you see the title “Whiskey, Lottery Tickets, Porn, and Skunk Carcass” you probably are thinking… That’s odd! or clickbait! or Ryan has lost his mind! If you are thinking any or all the above, you may be right. What do all those things have in common? They are all things that stink either literally […]
The fact of the matter is… men need the church, but more importantly, the church needs men! The presence of excited men is one of the surest indicators of church health, growth, and giving. So how can you get men excited about serving in your church, specifically in the world of Disability Ministry an area […]
I’ll be honest. The story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis Chapter 11 has always baffled me on multiple levels. Back up two chapters. God has wiped out everyone on the planet, with the exception of Noah’s family, via the flood. Noah’s family exits the ark and receives a blessing from God. Along with […]
Nothing extraordinary was ever done by an ordinary person. Here are some of the most extraordinary and inspirational people who ever lived. Art Frida Kahlo When she was only six years old, Frida Kahlo contracted polio, which left her right leg thinner than her left. Afflicted by other illnesses and life-long chronic pain, she would […]
My name is Mitchell Barnes. I have Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy which causes me to need a wheelchair to get around. I attended public school and have since graduated from college with a degree in history and a degree in Secondary Education Social Studies. I am currently applying for teaching positions and hope to be employed […]
Because Jesus' table is accessible for everyone...
We desire to see the Church make room for all people affected by disability. To fully participate. To fully partner. To fully lead.
We exist to equip and empower the 25% of the population with a disability, their families, and their churches to become who God has created them to be.