What is a visual schedule?
A visual schedule is a set of images, icons, symbols, or words representing the sequence of activities and tasks students will encounter throughout their day. These schedules can be displayed on a wall, a whiteboard, or even on a tablet or computer screen. The primary goal is to create predictability and reduce anxiety for students by offering a clear visual outline of what lies ahead.
Who can benefit from a visual schedule?
Everyone! I have never met someone who did not like or want to know what was happening next. When students do not know what to expect it can cause anxiety that can lead to unwanted behaviors. Visual schedules have been found to be incredibly helpful for children on the autism spectrum.
What are some of the benefits of a visual schedule?
There are many! Let me share just a few with you.
How can you implement a visual schedule in your disability ministry?
Easy! Click the link below to download our free visual schedule. You can customize it to best fit your ministry using the icons provided.