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Unhinder the Disabled Church Package

Unhinder the Disabled Church Package

Original price was: $9.99.Current price is: $0.00.

There are over 1 billion people that live with disability in the world. They are in every community across the globe. Do you know where they aren’t? The Church. Consider the fact that over 90% of churches have no plans to reach out to this unreached people group. As a result, the Church is disabled. The word “disability” means to be without “ability.” When people affected by disability are not a part of the Church, it is incomplete. The Church is missing important parts of the body of Christ, thus leaving it disabled.

“Unhinder the Disabled Church” was our presentation at ICOM 2018. Now you can download the audio recording of Ryan Wolfe’s presentation, which includes the following:

  • Unhinder the Disabled Church – MP3 of presentation
  • Unhinder the Disabled Church – Powerpoint presentation
  • Coupon code for purchasing curriculum
  • Helpful resources such as our First Steps, Next Steps, and Church Campus Accessibility Checklist

Because Jesus' table is accessible for everyone...

We desire to see the Church make room for all people affected by disability. To fully participate. To fully partner. To fully lead.

We exist to equip and empower the 25% of the population with a disability, their families, and their churches to become who God has created them to be.
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