- If you are in the the Louisville, TN or Versailles, MO you can donate your time and work directly with our staff and residents. If you aren’t in the area and you still want to help out our residents there are multiple ways. Pick something off our Amazon wishlist, send our residents a birthday card, commit to pray for our residents, etc.
- If you have a specific skill set and you want to donate your time remotely that is an option too! We are always looking for people who are skilled in video editing, website design, photography, proofreading, the arts, and more. If interested in donating your time in this way send us a message at connect@abilityministry.com.
- We also accept other forms of donations like gifts through wills, donated stocks, donated property, cryptocurrency, etc. If interested in making a donation of this kind send us a message at connect@abilityministry.com