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God’s Grand Design

a nest with eggs in it
Back in April, I noticed that a bird thought highly enough of the decorative wreath on our front door and decided it would be the perfect place for a nest.  A few days later, I found three small blue eggs centered neatly in the nest. We were careful not to disturb it and used the […]
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Missing Body Parts

If this title of this article grabbed your attention, made you scratch your head, or even gave you a feeling that wasn’t so great it did the trick. No, I’m not trying to trick you into reading this article, but rather trying to help you see the BIG “C” Church in a light that maybe […]
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Spring Appeal

a person smiling for the camera
Spring is finally here and the rebirth of everything is absolutely beautiful. We have gone through some changes since last year like changing our name and adding an evangelistic focus to our ministry. What we have seen is many more people reaching out to the disability community and those affected by disability being touched in […]
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Is That a Hill Worth Dying On?

Have you ever heard the expression, “That is not a hill worth dying on!” People use this phrase when talking about what is, or is not, truly important. I heard it many times in my 15-year career in the local church ministry. There are other things that determine what hills we seem to be positioned […]
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Give Me Your Candy!

Ability Ministry recently attended a Christian convention. At this conference we had both an exhibit booth and a “breakout session” we were leading. Leading breakout sessions are fun! I get to speak about things that I am passionate about with people who are interested. Hanging at the exhibit booth can be challenging. It consists of […]
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What Does It Mean to Be Inclusive?

One of the biggest buzz words in the disability community over the past several years has been inclusion. Schools are leading the way with the initiative of getting children with disabilities back in main stream classrooms. But what does it look like in the church? Exclusion Exclusion means that people affected by disability are not […]
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What’s a Raise?

a person sitting on a couch
We take so many things for granted each day. Without thought, we tie our shoes, brush our hair, and get dressed for the day. We read our Bibles, drive cars, and go to work. Rarely do we think about any of those things. It’s almost an automatic daily response. Are you aware that the act […]
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Fearfully Made – Free Wallpaper

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14 NIV I would argue that this is one of the cornerstone verses for our ministry.  Everyone was created on purpose for a purpose.  We are all different and we are all wonderfully made and this image […]
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Caring for the Caregiver: You Are Not Alone

a caregiver with her arm on a boy with a disability
When the caregiver constantly pours themselves out they find themselves empty. Caregivers carry heavy loads that they feel at times only they can carry. This may or may not be a rational belief, but a belief none the less. Thankfully Jesus is not silent on the topic of being tired and burdened. Matthew Chapter 11 […]
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“If you are bald, red headed, or left handed you are not welcome here!”

What if I said the following… “If you are bald, redheaded, or left handed you are not welcome in the Church.” I imagine there would be an absolute uproar! You cannot single people out based upon what they look like or based upon their attributes. That isn’t fair. That isn’t politically correct. That is a […]
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Because Jesus' table is accessible for everyone...

We desire to see the Church make room for all people affected by disability. To fully participate. To fully partner. To fully lead.

We exist to equip and empower the 25% of the population with a disability, their families, and their churches to become who God has created them to be.
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