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Author: Ryan Wolfe
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Caring for the Caregiver: You Are Not Alone

a caregiver with her arm on a boy with a disability
When the caregiver constantly pours themselves out they find themselves empty. Caregivers carry heavy loads that they feel at times only they can carry. This may or may not be a rational belief, but a belief none the less. Thankfully Jesus is not silent on the topic of being tired and burdened. Matthew Chapter 11 […]
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Caring for the Caregiver: Put On Your Gas Mask

oxygen masks
Stop me if you have heard these instructions before. Oxygen and the air pressure are always being monitored. In the event of an emergency, an oxygen mask will automatically appear in front of you. To start the flow of oxygen, pull the mask towards you. Place it firmly over your nose and mouth, secure the elastic band […]
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Caring for the Caregiver: Unsung Heroes

a person with his arm around someone in a wheelchair
I will never forget the first Respite Night we held at First Christian Church in Canton Ohio for multiple reasons. The highlight for me was at the end of the evening when parents came back after their time away. Many came back excited and refreshed sharing stories of getting to go on a real date […]
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“If you are bald, red headed, or left handed you are not welcome here!”

What if I said the following… “If you are bald, redheaded, or left handed you are not welcome in the Church.” I imagine there would be an absolute uproar! You cannot single people out based upon what they look like or based upon their attributes. That isn’t fair. That isn’t politically correct. That is a […]
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Is Disability A Dirty Word?

I’ll be the first to admit that I struggled in certain subjects in school. I was horrible at typing. Yes, I am old enough that I actually had to take a course in typing. I distinctly remember getting yelled at by my teacher. I will never forget Mr. Oyster. Partly because he took my keyboard […]
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My Friends, My Teachers: The Mission Behind the Book

a book laid on a table
Why did we write My Friends, My Teachers? Why did we feel it was so important that we put it in book format? Why not just blog these stories? Why a book? All good questions! It would have been much easier to churn out six separate blogs and float them out into the digital stratosphere. […]
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Messy Church

a group of people standing in a room
I recently heard that Faith United Methodist Church in North Canton, OH was holding a “Messy Church” service. I was instantly drawn to it because of the name even though I didn’t know what all was involved. Messiness, or real life, seems to be intentionally programmed out of most church services. Churches want to remove […]
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Knowing is Half the Battle

As a child of the 90s one of my favorite cartoons was G.I. Joe. Every episode ended with a short PSA teaching kids an important life lesson. After each PSA the kids would always respond enthusiastically, “Now we know!” And the G.I. Joe speaking to them would respond, “And knowing is half the battle!” That […]
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Finding, Belonging, Together: The Vision of Ability Ministry

two boys playing together
On the front page of our website, on conference displays, and on the front of our business cards you will consistently find the following three words: Finding, Belonging, Together. If you are reading this page you are probably curious as to what these words are all about. These three words represent the Vision of Ability […]
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A Philosophical Shift to Disability Ministry (Part 5 of 5)

a man holding a frisbee
After reading the last four blogs in this series, you may be able to identify what approach your church or ministry currently embraces. You may even have a better idea of what some of your deficits are. But when you want to make a philosophical shift in your approach to disability ministry, the big question […]
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Because Jesus' table is accessible for everyone...

We desire to see the Church make room for all people affected by disability. To fully participate. To fully partner. To fully lead.

We exist to equip and empower the 25% of the population with a disability, their families, and their churches to become who God has created them to be.
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